The Music Column!

This is the part of the website where I give my thoughts on random albums I've listened to, whilst having absolutly no understanding of how to talk about music. Click on the art of the album you'd like to hear about, or Click Here to see the albums in a list view

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Dark Side Twlight Hot Indigo Girls Maze Detour To The Moon Bicycle In Case I Make It The Normal Album Document Cosmic Thing Smooth Noodle Maps The Main Ingredient The Four Seasons Left at London's Transgender Street Legend trilogy Crooks and Nannies' Ugly Laugh Annie Humphrey's Eat What You Kill Indigo Girls All That We Let In Flim and the BB's Tunnel Blondie's Pollinator The Nylon's Rockapella Cheese On Bread Discography special U2's Joshua Tree R.E.M's Lifes Rich Pageant Avril Lavigne's Let Go The Concretes Window Flowers Cactus by Suitcase Astro Lounge Breakaway Pensyl Sketches

all reviews are reader mode friendly, because they're just so barebones!